3 News Apps in 2024 That Are Leading the Pack

Editors Picks
July 23rd, 2024 · Sophie Jackson

I've tracked the news app landscape throughout 2024, and three apps have emerged as clear leaders: Inkl, Google News, and Flipboard. Inkl offers a meticulously curated experience with top-quality journalism and an ad-free subscription model that prioritizes user engagement. Google News stands out with its advanced algorithms for personalized content, robust local coverage, and thorough perspectives on breaking stories. Meanwhile, Flipboard's visually engaging, magazine-style layout and customizable topics make it delightfully user-friendly. These apps not only keep you informed but also set the standard for how news should be consumed today. There's more to explore in each app.


Inkl sets itself apart in the crowded news app market by offering a meticulously curated experience that prioritizes quality journalism over trending clickbait.

I appreciate how Inkl's curated news guarantees I receive only newsworthy content from reputable sources, fostering an informed readership. The visually appealing interface boosts user engagement, making it easy to navigate through premium content.

Operating on a paid subscription model, Inkl eliminates ads, letting me focus entirely on the articles. The 'Dive Deeper' sections are a standout feature, linking related articles and encouraging thorough exploration of topics.

This commitment to quality journalism and user experience makes Inkl a liberating choice for those seeking depth and substance in their news consumption.

Google News

Google News has revolutionized my news consumption by leveraging advanced algorithms to deliver personalized content tailored to my interests.

The app's user-friendly interface and extensive search options allow me to effortlessly discover relevant news articles. I appreciate the timely updates and notifications for breaking news, guaranteeing I'm always informed.

Local news coverage is robust, keeping me connected to my community. The Full Coverage panels provide multiple perspectives on breaking stories, enriching my understanding of complex issues.

Google News excels in news discovery, making it easy to explore diverse topics. With its personalized news recommendations, the app guarantees I get the most pertinent content.

For anyone seeking liberation through informed choices, Google News is indispensable.


While Google News excels in delivering personalized updates,

Flipboard captivates me with its visually engaging, magazine-style layout that makes news consumption a delightful experience.

Flipboard's customizable approach allows me to follow specific topics and reputable publishers, tailoring my news experience to my interests.

The app's unique swiping feature guarantees smooth navigation through articles, making it easy to stay informed.

With over 50 million downloads and a 3.9 rating from 14.3 million reviews, Flipboard's popularity is undeniable.

It fosters a sense of community by enabling users to share and save articles, enhancing user engagement.

Discovering new content becomes effortless, and the aggregation of articles from esteemed sources guarantees a rich, personalized news experience.