Top 3 Language Apps for Learning New Languages, in 2024.

Language Learning Apps
September 4th, 2024 · Sophie Jackson

In 2024, I've found the top three language learning apps that truly excel are Duolingo, Memrise, and Busuu. Duolingo's bite-sized, gamified lessons are perfect for busy learners. Memrise uses spaced repetition and mnemonic devices, plus engaging native speaker videos, to deepen vocabulary retention. Busuu stands out for its real-time practice with native speakers and user-submitted exercises for feedback, fostering a strong community feel. With customized learning paths and a vast user base, Busuu offers unparalleled cultural exchange opportunities. If you want to discover why these apps are leading the pack and how they can help you achieve your language goals, keep going.

Duolingo for Busy Learners

For busy learners like me, Duolingo's gamified approach is a game-changer, offering bite-sized sessions that fit seamlessly into a hectic schedule.

With over 40 languages supported and features like daily streaks, it keeps me motivated to practice consistently even when time is tight.

Plus, its mobile-friendly design and spaced repetition techniques guarantee I can make progress and retain new vocabulary, all during short breaks or while commuting.

The intuitive design and user-friendly layout make maneuvering the app a breeze, while the competitive elements like leagues and monthly quests add an extra layer of motivation.

When time is a luxury, Duolingo stands out as an ideal choice for busy learners aiming to pick up a new language.

Among language learning apps, Duolingo's free version offers engaging exercises and basic lessons that fit into any schedule.

Its mobile app enhances vocabulary retention through spaced repetition.

For $13/month, the premium subscription adds advanced features, perfect for refining language skills without ads.

Memrise for Word Association

When it comes to building strong word associations, Memrise stands out by combining spaced repetition, mnemonic techniques, and real-world context through native speaker videos.

I've found that creating personalized flashcards within the app makes learning more relevant and engaging, as it ties new vocabulary to my own experiences.

Additionally, Memrise's themed courses and gamified approach keep me motivated to practice consistently, ensuring that new words stick over time.

Memrise stands out as a powerful tool for mastering vocabulary through its innovative word association techniques and spaced repetition system.

This language learning app uses video clips of native speakers, making lessons vivid and practical. Users can enjoy gamified features to earn points and progress.

With free and Pro versions, it offers personalized vocabulary lessons, grammar tips, and over 22 languages, ensuring a thorough learning experience.

Busuu for Community Support

When it comes to leveraging community support for language learning, Busuu stands out by connecting you with native speakers for real-time practice and feedback.

I find its feature of submitting exercises for native speaker correction particularly beneficial, as it fosters a collaborative learning environment.

With over 100 million users worldwide, Busuu's diverse community facilitates meaningful cultural exchanges, enriching your learning experience.

Immerse yourself in Busuu for unparalleled community support in your language learning journey.

It's one of the best language learning apps that can help you connect with native speakers, enhancing your conversational skills.

The structured learning path, personalized study plan, and peer-reviewed written exercises keep you engaged.

Speaking practice with native feedback and progress tracking guarantee you're always improving.